4 Features of Real Estate Customer Relationship Management

4 Features of Real Estate Customer Relationship Management

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a very important aspect in every business. Satisfied customers make recurring purchases and bring more revenue. On the other hand, unsatisfied customers are likely to give their business to your competitors which will undoubtedly affect your total sales. Real estate agents deal directly with customers and they have to make sure their clients are satisfied all the time as most people will buy or sell a home or business more than once.

Customer needs keep changing and it is necessary to have CRM software to help you as a real estate agent meet the changing needs of your customers. The following are 5 features of CRM software that are very helpful to real estate agents.

1. Ability to track customer responses 

CRM software is able to track responses collected from customers through retention programs. The software is also able to generate lead surveys that outline key areas which a real estate agent should use to improve and enhance customer satisfaction. This allows real estate agents who use CRM software to respond to customer’s needs and remain ahead of the competition.

The good thing about CRM software is that it enables real estate agents to identify customer needs that cannot be captured otherwise. This enables real estate agent to develop customized services for their customers in order to meet their ever-changing needs.

2. Provides timely & up-to-date responses 

It is not possible for a real estate agent to respond to customer needs appropriately if they do not provide timely and up-to-date responses. This is one of the limiting factors when using traditional methods to manage customer relationships.

With CRM software, your clients receive timely responses to their inquiries. As soon as they make contact with your company, you or one of your representatives are able to quickly access all of their information through the software. This will guarantee an effective and quick solution to whatever problem they have.

3. Prioritizes customer needs

Customer needs and expectations in the real estate industry change from time to time. Sometimes it is not possible for real estate agents to respond to customer needs at a satisfactory rate. This can lead to instances where an immediate response was needed and not received by a customer, resulting in them turning to your competitors for service.

CRM software enables real estate agents to prioritize and isolate customer needs that require immediate attention and those that can be attended to at a later date. Real estate agents who use the software get daily notifications on urgent leads that need quick attention. This enables them to be as responsive as possible to customers and make them feel valued and appreciated.

It is estimated that 70 percent of satisfied customers will refer the company the used to family and friends. Therefore, it is crucial that you are able to respond to and satisfy the needs of your clientele and CRM software can help you achieve this.

4. Organizes future customer needs

Real estate agents are supposed to respond to current customer needs to avoid losing them to competitors. However, they also need to respond to future customer needs as a strategic measure so that they can remain competitive in the near future.

Real estate CRM software is able to sort future customer needs in their respective categories. This makes it easy for a real estate agent to anticipate and attend to future customer needs. The software provides agents with monthly alerts to make sure no future customer need passes unattended. This will ensure all customers’ needs are addressed and the opportunity to gain their business does not pass.


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