8 Effective Ear Infection Remedies to Try

8 Effective Ear Infection Remedies to Try

Earache is one of the most unbearable types of pain. Not only will this affect your quality of hearing, It can make it difficult for you to do anything else other than think about the pain. In most cases, earaches are linked to ear infections. The following are some effective ear infection remedies you should definitely try.

1. Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID’s) can help reduce the pain caused by an ear infection temporarily. People suffering from an ear infection can try the following medicines; ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and aspirin. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can easily be purchased over the counter or at an online healthcare shop.

One important thing to remember about these drugs is that they are not safe for young children and babies, and they could lead to a life-threatening condition known as Reye’s syndrome. Parents are advised to seek advice from a doctor before administering over-the-counter drugs to their children, especially if they are under two years old.

2. Heat

You can use the heat from a hot pack or an electric heating pad to reduce the pain and inflammation caused by an ear infection. A range of hot packs and heating pads can be purchased online. You can place the hot pad on your ear for about 20 minutes.

For best results, regularly touch your throat and neck with the hot pack or hot pad. Remember, the heating pad is not supposed to be unbearably hot. It is also not advisable to sleep with a heating pad still placed on your ear. A child should never use a heating pad or a hot pack without the supervision of an adult.

3. Cold

A cold pack can also relieve pain caused by an ear infection. You can either wrap ice in a paper towel or just freeze a cold pack before covering it using a light cloth. Place it on your ear and the area directly under it for about 20 minutes.

The cold pack should not be so cold that it hurts. If you are a parent, you should never place ice directly onto your child’s skin. While some people find heat better than cold in terms of offering relief, others find alternating between cold and hot packs (20 min cold, followed by 20 min hot) provides the best pain relief.

4. Eardrops

Eardrops can reduce pressure caused by earwax and fluid in the ear. You can easily purchase eardrops online or over the counter. Before using eardrops, make sure you have read the instructions carefully.

If you are planning to use these ear infection remedies on your child, seek a doctor’s advice first. Eardrops are not a substitute for antibiotics or prescription eardrops. You should only use them for a few days. If symptoms persist, consult a doctor.

5. Massage

Massage can help you deal with the pain caused by an ear infection. In a downward motion, begin applying pressure right behind the ears, down to the neck. As you continue to apply pressure downwards, work your way to the front of the ear. These ear infection remedies will help drain out excess fluids from your ear, preventing the pain from getting worse.

6. Garlic

For a long time, garlic has been used in traditional medicine to help relieve pain. Research has shown that garlic contains some antimicrobial properties that help fight infections. You should never use garlic as a substitute for antibiotics recommended by a doctor. Instead, add garlic to your regular antibiotic regimen to help speed up relief. You can prevent ear infections by just eating one garlic clove each day.

Eardrops made of garlic can reduce the pain and keep infections from getting worse. To make garlic eardrops, cook two to three cloves of garlic in two tablespoons of sesame seed oil or mustard until the mixture turns brown, then strain it.

7. Onions

Just like garlic, onions help you fight an ear infection and reduce pain. They should, however, not be used as a substitute for prescription medicine.  To make this remedy, heat up an onion in your microwave for about a minute or two, then strain its liquid. Apply several drops of the liquid to the ear. You should lie down for about 10 minutes before letting the liquid flow out, then repeat as needed.

8. Breast Milk

Breast milk is said to contain antimicrobial properties. Research has shown that breast milk changes depending on the microbes the baby is exposed to, meaning that it is the most effective remedy for babies.

Although it is mostly used by babies, breast milk can also be a helpful remedy for adults. You can pour a few drops of the mother’s milk in each of the baby’s ear, then repeat the application after every few hours if needed.

From today henceforth, with the above effective ear infection remedies, you can combat ear infections and kick ear-related pain out of your home.


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