Don’t Botch It: 7 Red Flags When Looking for a Plastic Surgeon

Don’t Botch It: 7 Red Flags When Looking for a Plastic Surgeon

Plastic surgery is on the rise. Not only are celebrities having work done, but so are your coworkers and neighbours. It’s no surprise, really. Plastic surgery can boost your confidence and self-esteem, and help you progress in your work life and love life.

Maybe you’ve always been a little concerned with your crooked nose. Perhaps you’re looking to erase several telltale signs of aging. Maybe you’re looking to give your body a more youthful contour. Whatever type of plastic surgery procedure you’re interested in, it’s critical to choose the right surgeon.

Your plastic surgeon can make or break your results. A good plastic surgeon can make you look flawless without anyone realizing you’ve had work done. On the other hand, a bad plastic surgeon can completely botch the surgery and even put your health at risk.

To ensure you choose a qualified, professional plastic surgeon, look for these red flags.

🚩 1. Low, Low Prices

Getting a great deal on a spa treatment is great, but you should be wary if your plastic surgeon charges unreasonably low prices. We’re talking about surgery, after all. You should go with the best surgeon—not the one offering the cheapest price.

🚩 2. No Credentials

You don’t want a back-alley surgeon performing any type of cosmetic procedure on you. Don’t be afraid to ask for credentials and certifications. In Canada, all surgeons must be certified by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons.

You should also ask about experience and training. Has the surgeon performed the surgery you’re interested in many times? Does he have extensive experience in the field? You don’t want a surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty to give you a breast augmentation, for example.

🚩 3. No Before and After Photos

You want to be sure the surgeon you choose does good work. You should be able to get some type of example of the results you’ll get post-surgery. Be wary of a surgeon who doesn’t share before and after photos. You won’t know what results to expect.

🚩 4. False Claims

A qualified plastic surgeon will understand that cosmetic surgery can enhance your natural beauty, but it won’t alter your looks drastically. Be concerned if the surgeon you’re talking to offers wild claims. He won’t be able to make you look like a certain celebrity or make you look like a teenager again. You’ll only be disappointed if you believe these false promises.

🚩 5. Lawsuits

Dig a little deeper to determine if your surgeon has been sued for malpractice. Though even the best physicians may be sued in this litigious world we live in, you should walk away if the surgeon has many lawsuits pending.

🚩 6. Little to No Consultation

The consultation takes place so you can ask all of your questions and so the doctor can get to know you, your needs, your expectations, and your medical history. The consultation is actually a very important part of any surgical procedure.

If your doctor doesn’t seem to want to know anything about you or gives you vague non-answers to your important questions, walk away.

🚩 7. Upselling

You’re interested in undergoing cosmetic surgery in order to fix an area of your face or body you’re not confident about. You want to change this area in order to feel better about yourself. You might be completely happy with all other parts of your body.

If you’re concerned with a crooked nose, for example, your surgeon shouldn’t try to upsell you on liposuction, a facelift, and a breast lift. This shows he only cares about making money—not his patients.

Keep these seven red flags in mind when shopping around for a plastic surgeon.


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