What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident

What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident

A motorcycle accident is serious. Passenger car accidents happen every day, but they are rarely fatal. With a motorcycle accident, you have much less body protection. A motorcycle accident is 27 times more likely to be fatal. They’re also more likely to lead to serious health consequences.

In the case of a motorcycle accident, there is a lot to do afterward to protect yourself legally. You will also need ensure you receive the necessary healthcare in the aftermath.

Here is what to do after a motorcycle accident:

1. Remove yourself from the roadway

If a motorcycle accident has just happened, the top priority is to get out of harm’s way. A motorcycle isn’t a car. If you’re lying beside your motorcycle or are in the roadway, move somewhere safe out of traffic. Analyze what’s around you and check on anyone else involved in the accident. Make sure they’re ok. Help them get to safety as well. Make sure everyone’s not at risk of another collision of any kind.

2. Stay calm, polite, and helpful

Any sort of vehicular collision will have emotions running high. Try to stay calm and polite to others. If the other driver or a passenger is angry or is trying to start an argument, defuse the situation as best as you can. If you are angry, try to relax. You don’t want to alienate witnesses or get into a physical or verbal conflict – all of which won’t help anything. Treat an accident as an “accident.” Be kind.

3. Do not admit fault for the accident

Even if you believe yourself to be at fault for the accident, do not admit fault. If you made a mistake driving or know you could have avoided the collision, don’t make a statement to that effect, not to the other driver nor police officers, or the insurance company. Exchange insurance information with the other driver and check on them from a medical standpoint. However, do not apologize for the accident.

4. Do not remove your protective clothing

After an accident, you probably have adrenaline flowing through you, you could be in shock, and you may not even realize you’re injured. For this reason, you shouldn’t remove your protective gear or helmet. Unless it’s already off, keep it on and wait for the paramedics to arrive before you remove your gear. To this point, be sure to call 911 as soon as everyone in the accident is safe. Call and report the accident.

5. Seek medical attention immediately

Even if you don’t think you’re hurt, it doesn’t matter. Be evaluated by medical personnel as soon as you can. A serious injury may not be apparent right away. There could be internal bleeding, organ damage, or other complications. It can take days, weeks, and even months for injury symptoms to appear. When a doctor or paramedic checks you out, you can rule out many different injuries. If you are injured, it’s documented right then and there.

6. Speak with a lawyer

Don’t wait. If you’ve experienced a motorcycle accident, speak with a professional law firm like Walker Lead Lawyers. In talking between insurance companies, a lawyer can make all the difference. Most insurance companies will offer the lowest amount they can get away with. A motorcycle accident lawyer can negotiate for better terms and what you’re rightfully owed. Before accepting any settlement, speak with a lawyer.

7. Return to your doctor if symptoms worsen

The most common motorcycle vehicle accident injury is a head or neck injury. A skull fracture or concussion can cause worsening symptoms and complications weeks later. If symptoms worsen, go to your doctor. All of these doctor visits will create a health record that can be referred to by your lawyer in any sort of court case or negotiation between insurance companies. If you don’t go to the doctor, there will be no official documentation.

8. Report the accident to insurance

Even if it’s only a minor accident with the damage you do not intend to claim, still inform your insurance company about the motorcycle accident. You should always report even if no one else is involved. It doesn’t mean your insurance premiums will go up necessarily. However, if you’ve been injured or the other driver is injured, and a lawyer has to step in on your behalf, your insurance company will certainly need to be informed, and a conversation will be had.

9. Gather car accident evidence

When you can start to gather evidence relating to the accident, take photos. Write notes. If you’re injured, start a symptom diary to note changes in your health in the weeks ahead. Obtain a copy of the police report as well. Any sort of documentation you can get your hands on, keep it. If you decide to move forward with a legal case with a motorcycle accident lawyer, everything you’ll need will be in your possession.


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